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How Dentures Are Made: A Step-by-Step Guide

How Dentures Are Made: A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you have missing teeth? Dentures are one of the best solutions to improve your dental health and restore your smile. 

Understanding how dentures are made can make you more comfortable and confident in choosing them. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to the denture-making process.

How are Dentures Made?

Step 1: Initial Consultation

Your journey to new dentures begins with an initial consultation with your dentist. During this appointment, the dentist will examine your oral health, discuss your dental history, and determine whether dentures are the best option for you. This is a crucial step, as it ensures that your dentures will meet your specific needs. Impressions of your mouth are taken during this visit to create a custom-fit denture.

Step 2: Creating a Preliminary Model

Using the impressions taken during the initial consultation, a preliminary model of your mouth is created. This model serves as the foundation for designing your dentures. The dentist uses this model to assess the fit and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the final dentures will be comfortable and functional. It’s like a blueprint for your new smile.

Step 3: Custom Tray Fabrication

A custom tray is then fabricated from the preliminary model. This tray is used to take a more precise impression of your mouth. Accurate impressions are crucial for the perfect fit of your dentures, ensuring that they will adhere well to the contours of your gums and provide a natural appearance. The custom tray is designed to fit your mouth exactly, allowing for a detailed and accurate impression.

Step 4: Final Impression

Using the custom tray, a final impression of your mouth is taken. This detailed impression captures the exact shape and size of your gums and any remaining teeth. The impression is sent to a dental laboratory, where skilled technicians will use it to create your dentures. This step ensures that every detail of your mouth is captured, resulting in a precise and comfortable fit.

Step 5: Wax Bite Registration

The next step involves recording the relationship between your upper and lower jaws. A wax bite registration is made to capture how your jaws align and how much space is needed for your dentures. This step is essential to ensure that your dentures will allow for proper chewing and speaking functions. The wax bite registration helps in determining the correct positioning of your dentures.

Step 6: Selection of Denture Teeth

Selecting the right denture teeth is an important part of the process. Your dentist will help you choose the size, shape, and colour of the artificial teeth to match your natural teeth and facial features. This selection is crucial for achieving a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The goal is to create a set of dentures that look and feel like your own teeth.

Step 7: Wax Try-In

Before the final dentures are made, a wax try-in is conducted. The denture teeth are set in wax, allowing you to try them on and see how they fit and look. This step allows for any necessary adjustments to be made before the final dentures are fabricated. Your feedback is essential during this stage to ensure satisfaction with the fit, comfort, and appearance. The wax try-in gives you a preview of your new smile and allows for fine-tuning.

Step 8: Processing the Dentures

Once you and your dentist are satisfied with the wax try-in, the dentures are processed. The wax model is replaced with acrylic, which is the material used for the final dentures. The acrylic is poured into a mould and cured to create a strong, durable set of dentures. This process involves heat and pressure to ensure the acrylic hardens properly. The result is a set of dentures that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Step 9: Final Fitting

After the dentures are processed, they are ready for the final fitting. You will return to the dentist to have your new dentures fitted and adjusted. The dentist will check the fit, making any necessary adjustments to ensure that the dentures are comfortable and functional. It’s essential that your dentures fit well to avoid issues like slipping or causing sores in your mouth. The final fitting is a crucial step to ensure your comfort and satisfaction.

Step 10: Post-Fitting Adjustments

Even after the final fitting, it’s normal to need a few adjustments. As you begin to wear your new dentures, you may experience some discomfort or minor issues. Your dentist will schedule follow-up appointments to make any necessary adjustments, ensuring that your dentures fit perfectly and comfortably. These adjustments help in fine-tuning the fit and addressing any concerns you might have.

Step 11: Caring for Your Dentures

Proper care and maintenance are essential for ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of your dentures. Your dentist will provide you with instructions on how to clean and care for your dentures, including recommendations for cleaning products and techniques. Regular check-ups will help maintain your oral health and the condition of your dentures. Proper care ensures that your dentures remain in good condition and continue to function well.

Bonus Content:

Can You Get Dentures with Receding Gums?


The denture-making process is a meticulous and detailed journey, designed to provide you with functional, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing dentures. By understanding the step-by-step process of how dentures are made, you can appreciate the craftsmanship and care that goes into creating these essential dental appliances.

If you’re considering dentures, the team at Endeavour Hills Dental Clinic is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring you receive the best possible care and a smile you’ll be proud to show off. Book a consultation with us today to receive top-quality dentures in Endeavour Hills.

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