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Teeth Sensitivity after Fillings: Causes and Solutions

Teeth Sensitivity after Fillings: Causes and Solutions

Dental fillings are a common treatment for cavities and tooth decay, helping to restore the function and integrity of a tooth. However, it’s not uncommon for patients to experience sensitivity in their teeth following the procedure. This sensitivity can range from mild discomfort to sharp pain and can occur when the teeth are exposed to certain triggers such as cold, heat, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. Understanding the causes of teeth sensitivity after fillings and the solutions available can help manage this condition effectively.

Causes of Teeth Sensitivity after Fillings

1. Tooth Nerve Irritation

One of the most common causes of sensitivity after a filling is irritation of the tooth’s nerve. When a cavity is deep or close to the nerve, the process of drilling and filling can inflame the nerve, leading to increased sensitivity. This type of sensitivity is usually temporary and should subside as the nerve heals.

2. High Filling

If the filling is too high and affects the way the teeth come together when you bite, it can cause discomfort and sensitivity. This is because the high filling places extra pressure on the tooth when biting down, which can irritate the nerve.

3. Pulpitis

Pulpitis refers to the inflammation of the dental pulp, which is the tooth’s innermost layer packed with nerves and blood vessels. This can occur if the decay was extensive and the filling process was lengthy or involved multiple steps. Pulpitis can be reversible, meaning the pulp can heal on its own, or irreversible, requiring further dental treatment such as a root canal.

4. Type of Filling Material

The type of material used for the filling can also affect tooth sensitivity. Composite (tooth-coloured) fillings can sometimes cause sensitivity due to their material properties and the bonding process. Amalgam (silver) fillings, on the other hand, expand and contract with temperature changes, which can also lead to sensitivity.

5. Cracked or Broken Tooth

In some cases, a tooth may have a small crack or fracture that was not initially visible but becomes more noticeable after the filling. This can lead to sensitivity as the crack allows stimuli to reach the nerve more easily.

Solutions for Teeth Sensitivity after Fillings

1. Desensitising Toothpaste

Using toothpaste specifically developed for sensitive teeth can help reduce sensitivity. These toothpastes include ingredients designed to interrupt the transfer of sensations from the tooth surface to the nerve.

2. Avoid Trigger Foods and Beverages

Avoiding foods and drinks that trigger sensitivity, such as very hot or cold items, acidic foods, and sugary snacks, can help manage symptoms. Drinking through a straw and avoiding direct contact with the sensitive tooth can also be beneficial.

3. Gentle Brushing Technique

Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and brushing gently can prevent further irritation of the sensitive tooth. Overly aggressive brushing can wear away the enamel and exacerbate sensitivity.

4. Mouth Guard

If sensitivity is due to bruxism (teeth grinding), wearing a mouthguard at night can protect the teeth and reduce sensitivity.

5. Adjustment of the Filling

If the filling is too high, a visit to the dentist to have it adjusted can alleviate the pressure on the tooth and reduce sensitivity. This is a simple and quick solution that can provide immediate relief.

6. Anti-inflammatory Medications

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can help reduce inflammation and pain in the sensitive tooth. However, It’s crucial to speak with your nearby dentist before starting any medication.

7. Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments, either in the form of a rinse, gel, or varnish applied by a dentist, can help strengthen the enamel and reduce sensitivity.

8. Further Dental Treatment

In cases where the sensitivity is due to pulpitis or a cracked tooth, more extensive dental treatment may be necessary. This could involve a root canal to remove the inflamed pulp or placing a crown to protect and strengthen the cracked tooth.

Preventing Sensitivity after Fillings

1. Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular dental visits allow for early detection and treatment of cavities before they become too deep and close to the nerve, reducing the risk of post-filling sensitivity.

2. Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash can prevent cavities and the need for fillings, thereby avoiding the associated sensitivity.

3. Healthy Diet

A diet low in sugar and acidic foods can help prevent tooth decay and the subsequent need for fillings. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and calcium can help maintain strong teeth and gums.

4. Use of Dental Sealants

For individuals prone to cavities, the use of dental sealants can provide an extra layer of protection against decay, particularly on the molars where cavities are more common.

When to See a Dentist

While mild sensitivity after a filling is normal and should resolve within a few weeks, there are certain situations where it is important to see a dentist:

1. Prolonged Sensitivity: 

If sensitivity lasts more than a few weeks and does not show signs of improvement, it is important to consult with a dentist.

2. Severe Pain: 

If the sensitivity is severe or becomes painful, it could indicate an underlying issue such as an infection or an improperly placed filling.

3. Signs of Infection: 

If there are signs of infection such as swelling, pus, or fever, immediate dental attention is required.

Summing Up

Experiencing teeth sensitivity after fillings can be uncomfortable, but it is often temporary and manageable with the right care and attention. Understanding the causes of this sensitivity and implementing the appropriate solutions can help alleviate discomfort and ensure a healthy, pain-free smile. Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene, and a healthy diet are key to preventing cavities and minimising the need for fillings in the first place. If sensitivity persists or worsens, seeking professional dental advice is crucial to address any underlying issues and maintain overall oral health.

Visit Endeavour Hills Dental Clinic

If you are experiencing teeth sensitivity after a filling and are near Endeavour Hills, consider visiting Endeavour Hills Dental Clinic. The professional team at Endeavour Hills Dental Clinic is experienced in diagnosing and treating dental sensitivity and can provide personalised care to help alleviate your discomfort.

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